Are You Your Authentic Self?

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Are You Your Authentic Self?

It’s a funny thing to ask, don’t you thinkBut don’t worry, Im not going to write about personal development. Instead, it’s about passion! 

I love words and writingwhich is reflected in the kind of work I do. I also love authenticity and it’s something I’ve cherished for a long time. I’ve already posted on a similar subject and thought I’d revisit thisYou’re about to find out why.

Claiming the right to authenticity

When I decided to become an entrepreneur, I also claimed my right to authenticity and to following my true path, as well as bringing my passions to lifeHowever, it hasn’t always been an easy road to tread and I often wonder if I’m on the right track. What I’ve come to realize though is that being your authentic self always pays off.

Although I stress the importance of social media, I’m being honest in admitting I haven’t been active enough on the various networks over the past year. You could say I’m a bit like a cobbler with shabby shoes. Well, let me explain….

When the universe steers your course

A friend of mine says that the cosmos is in charge of our destiny and, when fate comes knocking on our door, everything turns out right. Thinking back over the year I’ve just had, I believe this could be true. I should have got achildminder to help out at home. Instead, I found myself in the house all summer with my 4 little darlingsall under the age of 12. Well, I’m the first to admit that I like a challenge!

Then, around the end of June, I came down with awful sinusitis, which was treated with antibiotics. Pah … I’m not the first to be treated for sinusitis. But even after the third round ofmedication, it wouldn’t go away.

With all this going on, in July, I went into town and accidentallystumbled and fell due to a huge pothole. I landed heavily and ended up with a badly sprained left ankle, tiny fractures and multiple torn ligaments. I inherited a pair of crutches, which I had to use for 2 months along with an orthopedic boot to wearuntil September.

I remember visiting ENT, a moment I’ll never forget. It was a wonderfully hot day, typical of the days we get in August. I was feeling feverish and totally congested. I had a boot on my foot and my crutches under my arms. The children were complaining about having to leave the swimming pool to cometo the hospital with me.

When I look back, I can hardly believe the year I’ve just had. Time has flown and despite my various personal and family adventures, my business has grown steadily. I’ve worked on exciting projects, met exciting people and rose to meet invigorating challenges.

Give free reign to your passions

Being your authentic self means you stop fighting the tide, discover your own true personality and let yourself to be the person that deep down inside you know you should be. It’s also about not stressing over the things that are out of your control and, above all, giving free reign to your passions, sharing these with those around you.

Wikipedia sums up my feelings on this pretty well:

Since times of antiquity, philosophers have consideredauthenticity to be a virtue. According to Charles Taylor, the concept of individual authenticity means that expressing one’s “true inner self” is what matters the most and is more important than conforming to social norms.


After all, isn’t this what we like best about the people who surround us?



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  • BobbuBrowne

    Hello! Cool post, amazing!!!

    • Isabelle Paradis

      Thank you!

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