The strength of perseverance

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The strength of perseverance

In a previous post, Isabelle talked about authenticity and transparency, which are values I also hold dear. I like to see people for who they really are and I’m far more inclined to accept their faults, knowing that I myself am far from perfect. However, there’s another equally essential quality: perseverance.

I’ve always been the kind of person who’s prepared to fight to achieve their goals even though success takes time. However, although I’m very hard working, I have to admit I’ve had it fairly easy in my career. I didn’t have to try to attract employers as they always came to me. But my last job search was quite a different experience.

Trusting your instincts

For the first time in my life, I REALLY had to search for a job. Journalism is a very good career and I’ll always have good memories of being involved in it, but the opportunities for work in Quebec are rare and we’re living through particularly uncertain times at the moment. So, I decided to refocus my career, knowing that I’d have to overcome a few obstacles on the way. However, I didn’t realize it would be quite so hard.

I sent off my CV, communicated with employers, and signed up to LinkedIn. Then, after a few months with no success, I sought help from a friend who specializes in recruitment and who gave me some good advice. I received a few smaller job offers that weren’t in the communications field. I have to say, I thought long and hard before turning them down. I was worried about the time it was going to take to get a job in my field and lost a little self-confidence too. I felt guilty for not accepting the smaller job offers when other jobseekers might not have been so lucky. Nevertheless, I summoned all my courage and persevered.

My time finally came

By January and still without success, I decided to use my time to acquire new skills and enrolled for an online SEO course. I still looked at job posts as I worked on broadening my knowledge base. Then, in the space of a few weeks, as if by magic, everything fell into place.

While browsing online, I found a company where I could continue writing while using skills I’d previously acquired. Without hoping for too much, I sent off a message to Isabelle Paradis, the President of FUGU and, guess what? In no time at all, we were talking to one another and I officially started work two weeks later. I’d FINALLY found my role after eight long months of searching.

Perseverance is the key

It’s always important to believe in ourselves even if we sometimes doubt our own abilities and we seem to be faced with a difficult situation. I have so much admiration for all those who persevere to make their dreams come true. When I met Isabelle, I found out that she’s one of these people.

So, as you know now, thanks to the work of FUGU’s president and a contract with the United Buyers Group, FUGU’s now reaching out beyond Quebec’s borders and we’re offering our services to the Americans! I can hardly believe it!
Even though it’s a bit of a cliché, I have to say that everything happens for a reason. This sums up my situation. Sometimes life gives us beautiful gifts. This time in 2016, I was long-term unemployed, but recently I’ve learned more than I have over the last two years.

So, this is my advice for anyone who’s looking for a job or is about to experience the same fate as I did (I’m particularly thinking about former journalist colleagues working in different fields of media and whose jobs are uncertain at the moment): don’t let yourselves be defeated, believe in your dreams and persevere. Something positive is bound to happen one day soon.

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